Kartik Jain, Assistant Professor of Biofluid Dynamics,
Department of Thermal and Fluid Engineering, University of Twente,
The Netherlands
E-mail: k.jain@utwente.nl  
Teaching Activities
Biofluid Dynamics - Theory and Analysis
This course is an outcome of my experiences as an engineer who pursued the path of
research on biofluid dynamics.
Taught at the master level in Twente, I teach basics of the cardiovascular system,
lymphatic system, the central nervous system and microcirculation.
The engineering students adopt a mathematical perspective into the physiology of various
biomedical flows.
The second part of the course educates students on the analysis of physiologic flows using
experiments like PIV flow measurements and computational modeling, with elements of medical imaging
and high performance computing.
A brief video introduction to my work and teaching can be seen on
this page.
Fluid Mechanics, Vrije University Amsterdam
The University of Twente and the Vrije University of Amsterdam have
started a joint bachelor program in mechanical engineering.
I am involved in the teaching of fluid mechanics at the bachelor level within this program.
Lattice Boltzmann Methods
The course on LBM is what is called as Capita Selecta in Twente.
This is a self-learning with supervision type course in which participants at the doctoral
and post-doctoral level learn theory of LBM, advanced concepts like collision operators.
Finally, they perform simulations using Musubi which equips them with sufficient skills
to embark further in the direction of LBM.
Based on the background of the participant, the contents are quite dynamic and the elements of
physics, mathematics and computer science are accordingly fine-tuned.