Kartik Jain, Assistant Professor of Biofluid Dynamics,
Department of Thermal and Fluid Engineering,
University of Twente,
The Netherlands
E-mail: k.jain@utwente.nl

The adaptable poly engineering simulator (APES) framework

The APES development started in the group of my MS and PhD advisor Prof. Sabine Roller at the RWTH Aachen University. Later we moved to the University of Siegen. The team is now located at the Institute of Software Methods for Product Virtualization at the DLR Dresden, Germany. I have constantly contributed to parts of this framework since my master studies in Aachen, especially the LBM solver Musubi. Components of the framework have been tested for scalability on all the major supercomputers (Tier-0) in Europe including the SuperMUC-NG, Hawk, Juqueen, Piz Daint. More recently, we have tested the solver on the Japanese national supercomputer Fugaku.
Most of the Co∅ projects use and develop components within this framework. Various members of APES are available as open sources packages that can be downloaded here.